Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is this Real Life? - DDC #30

OMG It just hit that I'm leaving in about 30 days! This is crazy! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Really, it goes back and forth between the two emotions. Right now, I'm super excited. Actually, there is a third emotion that I also feel. This is a mixture of nostalgia and sadness. I'm already missing my family and my house. I'm missing the fields and the summer and the autumn. It's gonna be super different. But it will be good.

As promised, today I start my 30 Day Double Disney Challenge. I will create a post each day. You'll notice in the title it says "DDC" which stands for Double Disney Challenge. Sometimes, the post will just be the entry. But other times, it might include a little extra info (like above) and thus will have a double tittle like today's post. But, without further ado, let's get on with it!

Photo Day #30: Your favorite character
I'm not going to lie, this is an incredibly difficult question for me. First, it depend on my mood and the day and whether Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow and if the stars are aligned and if it's snowing.... you get the picture. It changes daily. I have come to the conclusion though that although I love all the main characters, it is the sub-characters that tend to be my favorite. Flora, Fauna, and Merirweather (Sleeping Beauty); Grumpy (Snow White); Meeko and Flit (Pocahontas); Grandmother Willow (Pocahontas); Laverne (Hunchback of Notre Dame); etc. I tend to like the old women who are slightly off their rocker. I have several favorites and it's hard to pick just one. But today, I'm feeling Grandmother Fa from Mulan. I love her randomness and she has great one-liners! But she is also caring and thoughtful. Instead of posting a picture, I'm going to post a video that has two of my favorite lines from Grandmother Fa. Enjoy!

Song Day #30: From the first Disney movie you ever saw 
Alright, so here's the deal with this one. I don't actually remember the very first Disney Movie I saw. But I'm going to go ahead and assume it was The Little Mermaid. You see, my sister, as a young child, was obsessed with this movie. Every day after school, she would insist on watching it. So I'm just going to say that The Little Mermaid was my first. Below is the song I chose. 

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