Sunday, May 29, 2011

They're out there somewhere!

Disney is a big company. And there are thousands of college students who do this internship every year. So it's no easy task to give everybody all of the information needed. A lot of it is the college student going out and finding it by themselves.

After I was accepted, I didn't give a thought to trying to find a facebook group or anything. It just didn't cross my mind. I had, however, met a guy online who had done the internship in the past. He was great help in getting me started and answering my questions that I had that I couldn't find on the Disney website. One day he suggested to find a facebook group. <<insert "palm in face" moment here>> DUH! Why didn't I think of that!

So I found a facebook group. Actually, I found about six. And I joined all of them. Needless to say, I was overstimulated for a long time. I was talking to all of these new people. Some of them had done the internship, and for others, it was there first time. I was also reading discussion forums, even if I thought the topic didn't pertain to me. I learned a lot about the internship and what was in store for me. Some of the information that Disney provided was vague. So I was happy to get more information. That was back in March or so. And even today, I'm still finding out new information. There is just a ton of stuff to know. But anyway, now I've cooled down a bit. I'm not so overstimulated. I've met a whole bunch of cool people via facebook and I'm totally excited, or rather, even more excited than I originally was.

Tip # 1 (which should have been included earlier): Apply early!

Tip #2: Utilize facebook, youtube, twitter, and other social networking sites to find friends and information.

1 comment:

  1. Apply late! I only waited 4 days for a response.
