Thursday, August 11, 2011

Traveling and Check-In Day

Sorry for the long over due update! It’s been crazy and I haven’t really had internet access. The last two days of my trip down went well. Monday we drove from Louisville to Grovetown. It was actually an easy drive. We made it to my cousins’ house by about 4:30pm. It was great to catch up with Rob and Lis. We left on Tuesday and drove down to Palm Harbor, where Jordan lives. We drove through a bunch of rain for the first time on Tuesday. Other than the rain, and hitting rush hour traffic in Tampa, it was also a good drive. However, once I dropped Jordan off, things went a little downhill. Google gave me some poor directions. Add that to construction and to the crazy driving rules that is Florida, and I felt lost for the first time on my trip. But I got through it and made it to Phil’s apartment. I was completely brain dead by the time I got there though. Just exhausted. Went to bed and got up early for check in.

Check in was actually super fun. I got there about 6:40am. Met up with all five of my roommates right away. They are cool guys! I think Nick and I lucked out with having such a good group. We waited in line for about an hour. Disney people let us in an hour early. How it goes down is like this. People show up and have to wait outside Vista Way (one of the housing complexes). Security does not let us in so we line up on the sidewalk along the road. When we are let in, the line just moves to a building (the clubhouse? I can’t remember). Here, you wait in line some more. You get some paperwork that you have to fill out and then there are several stops in the line to go through.

One of these is housing. We got the complex we wanted. Originally we wanted Chattham Square. But last minute, we changed to Patterson Court. So that’s where we are, in building One. As of now, building One seems to have a lot of parking because we are in the back corner. This may change, who knows. After housing we go through some other stops, we get out housing ID as well so that we can get into our complex. We also go through parking registration if we brought a car. After all that, we wait for a bus to take us over to casting. At this point, it had started to rain so we were waiting in the rain.

At casting, we did all of our working documents and such. I found out that I will be working at Hollywood Studios as a Park Greeter. I’ll tell you later what this entails, as right now I’m not entirely sure of all my duties. We got the I-9 forms turned in and direct deposit. Filed a background check and did a few other things. We got back to Vista Way and then had some free time. My roommates and I came over to check out our new apartment. It’s a nice complex. We’re on the third (top) floor which means we have to climb stairs. Usually not a bad thing in my book, but moving in was not fun. We got all our stuff into our apartment and then sat down with the roommates and discussed some things that needed discussing. Then at 3pm we had a housing meeting. It was an hour and a half long. Kind of boring, but had some interesting parts as well.

The meeting was over at 4:30. And then, not having eaten all day, the six of us wanted food. We drove out to Downtown Disney and ate at the Rain Forest Café. We came back to our apartment and did some more unpacking. Then went to bed. Long day! But that brings you up to date on everything!

If you have any specific things you would like me to answer, please feel free to put them in the comments and I will answer them in the next blog!

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