Fast forward two months, and I'm well on my way! I've had several trainees! And I'm much more comfortable training! I've had three sets of twins, as I call them. That is to say, I've had three weeks where I've been doubled up on trainees. When this happens, special attention must be paid. You may have two trainees that can keep up with each other. Or you may have two trainees where one does not catch on quite as quick as the other. So now, you want to balance between making sure the one is not bored, but the other is not lost. My twins have been pretty good, and seem to catch up with each other. One of the most difficult situations though is one particular set of twins. One had been a cast member for 5 or so years, while the other is a new hire. Luckily, the new hire caught on very fast. But it's difficult since the seasoned cast member has all the background information of the company, while the new hire was learning everything for the first time. It's interesting and can be a challenge! But I'm up for it!
At this point in time, Toy Story really has no new people coming. All of our open positions have been filled, and no more College Program people are coming in. So training has slowed down.
This week, I'm being cross-trained at Voyage of the Little Mermaid and Disney, Jr. Live on Stage! I've only trained one day so far, but I love it! I'm so excited to get a little break from Toy Story. Don't get me wrong, I love Toy Story, but it's just nice to have a change every once in a while! And cross-training will also give me more opportunities to pick up hours!
I'm hoping to cross-train some more and become even more marketable! It's exciting! But at the same time, I'm a little discouraged! I was hoping to become a relief coordinator soon. But as of yet, there is no news for that! There have been rumors of others though, which is why I'm discouraged! But I just need to keep my chin up and bide my time, right?! So hopefully soon that will happen! Until then, I'm going to enjoy my new location and keep working hard at the old location!